Wednesday, May 27, 2009

hawaii - day 1: longest day ever.

so at the moment, i'm at hawaii.. Oahu to be exact. 
the day was basically focused on getting here.
the fact that going back in time 3 hours made the day super long. 5 hour flight, 4 hours getting settled.
it was about 8 oclock when parag and i could actually get what we wanted done. 
First on the list, buy alcohol. 
Second, do something a "little" fun. --swimming. not fun when the pool is 4 feet deep and just 2 dudes.
third, shower.
it's about 11 oclock, and theres basically nothing for us to do right now, so we basically figured we just kick back, watch tv, and drink.
highlights so far tho:
- room is awesome. great patio view.
- orlando won. 3-1 whattup.
-the fact that parag is here makes the time here so much more exceptional.

parag and i figured that we had a long day. so getting here alive was a great accomplishment for today. tomorrow is a new day, and we'll actually be here during the day lol. 
hawaii journal: to be continued....

Drinks so far.
Parag- 2 budweisers, 1 shot of jim beam.
zee- 2 budweisers, 2 shots of jim beam...and more to come.

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