Thursday, February 26, 2009

l'épopée échoue

shouldn't have taken those stupid hat pictures.
it took away a good 5 minutes of valuable time i could have used to study.
as my consequence...

my exam.

Now i have to have at least a  97.4% in all my tests to get an A in the class.
so much for boasting about having 90% in the last exam...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

waitingg. boredd.

at the library waiting for kimmmm...
and im boredddd.

lets see how many ways i can wear my hat! =]

oh she's here!

i could've worn my hat so many more ways, but its time to study.... =[

k byyee!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

han cholo.

sick of hair. is it okay to not give a f*** once in awhile?

Sunday, February 22, 2009


videos of the moment.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

now i can say it.


didn't go to the library today.

triple dead. the head.

Friday, February 20, 2009

point. aim. shoot.

this week is full of dilly dallying nonsense.
i should be studying.
i should have been studying for the past 5 hours since i woke at 11 p.m. from a nap.
what is wrong with me?
if i dont go to the library tomorrow, then shoot me.
why did kevin e's birthday have to be this week?
and why did kevin v's installs have to be tomorrow?
i'm dead.

...and why did i buy street fighter 4 this week?
answer: because it's only freakin' awesome.

double dead.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

fudgin' aye.

so i just found out that my next anatomy exam is in a week from today.
how ready? so so not ready.
i'm not gunna lie, but i don't even know what we're talking about in class as of right now.
and i just bought sf4. that is going to kill me.
aannd... i have a major speech the day after. shoot me already.
i should stop complaining and just get on it.

oh. so i've been working out for a good 3 weeks now, and as i weighed myself last night, turns out i lost 12 lbs. already. so that's a highlight of mine recently.

....k, bye!

Monday, February 16, 2009

what is this?

a diary?
i feel like i'm writing in here everyday to notify nobody what's going on in my life.
maybe.. in the future, i will be mysteriously murdered and the only way the police could track my killer down was from this blog. 
so yea.
haven't gotten any studying done yet. it's okay, i'll do it tomorrow.

-go to optometrist tomorrow!

this is the story of the first and last time i ever fell in love.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


saturday evening.
the dwindle of valentine's day.
...tho, i did get a lot of my tasks completed.
-rest: done
-return grandmas cardigan: done
-learn 2 songs: done
okay maybe i didn't get much done.
i did try to study at the library, but my feeble mind forgot to bring a usb cord.
instead, i wasted 2 hours watching the assassination plot of the senator of micronesia through events involving male models.
it wasn't too much of a waste i guess. yes, glenn. you can hit me.

so for the past..i want to say..4 hours, we have been pondering whether or not we should be going to a party in compton.
around 1 a.m., when we decide to leave the house to check it out, it gets rolled.
at least i saved myself some thread and needles.
that's my day. valentine's day sucked. and scene.

Friday, February 13, 2009

brain stew

so it's four o'clock in the morning, i'm effin tired, but right now seemed like a better time than any to write in here.
so just came back from sel's place. i think i can easily say she is who inspired me to make this blog. wow, she doesn't even know it. anyways, it was cool as always. this whole dieting thing that's been going on for me really set the line for me tonight though. i literally drank about less than half of a rice cup of beer. i feel pretty proud of myself yet i don't. 
four day weekend goals:
-make a cake (but try not to eat it)
-reserve sf4 at gamestop. gotta get ryu's headband
-learn 2 songs
-fold clothes that have been sitting and waiting to be folded for a week now
-get the will power to go to the optometrist
-try to make valentines day not so discomforting
-return grandma's cardigan from christmas

omg, i cant even focus. goodnight.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


yep, its been awhile, but i have the urge to write 
in here for some apparent reason so here i go..

last time i was here, i decided that i would put my attendance to social gatherings at a halt. 
That turned out to be a failure.
i am still doing well nonetheless. I received an 89.1 % on my first anatomy exam (damn you .9%!!)
I've been working out and doing less potato couching. it is pretty awesome, yet expensive =/.

why do I even write in here? no one even reads this. whatever.